« Section 34: Problem 8 Solution

Section 34: Problem 9 Solution

Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
Each subspace is compact, Hausdorff and metrizable. Therefore, second-countable (Exercise 3). According to the same exercise, we only need to show that is second-countable. If and were disjoint, they would be open as well, and we could take the union of their bases: if then every its neighborhood in has a sub-neighborhood , open in and , and, therefore, it would contain a basis neighborhood open in and . If they are not disjoint, then we do not even know that a basis set in is open in . Let be a basis in . Suppose is a neighborhood of . If then is open in and there is a basis neighborhood containing . Moreover, is open in which is open in , therefore, is open in as well. This suggests that, first, we take all intersections (they are all open in ). Note that if and were disjoint this would be exactly the union of their bases. In either case, this already provides bases for all points not in . Now, suppose . has a basis sub-neighborhood of in . where is open in . . So, for every pair of intersecting basis sets in and choose some open sets in that intersect with the subspaces at these basis sets and take their intersection. We have a countable basis for points in .