Section 18: Problem 1 Solution »

Section 18: Continuous Functions

A continuous function (relative to the topologies on and ) is a function such that the preimage (the inverse image) of every open set (or, equivalently, every basis or subbasis element) of is open in .
A function is continuous at a point if for each neighborhood of there is a neighborhood of such that .

Equivalent definitions

  1. is continuous iff
  2. is continuous at every point iff
  3. for every subset iff
  4. is closed for every closed subset .
Just for fun we prove each statement from each other.
  1. If is open and is nonempty, then
    let , then there is an open set such that and , hence, .
    , so that .
  2. If is a neighborhood of , then
    is a neighborhood of and .
    , so that and .
    is a neighborhood of and .
  3. If and is a neighborhood of , then
    let , hence, .
    there is an open set such that and , so let , then, .
    , so let , then .
  4. If is closed, then
    if , then there is an open set such that and , hence, .
    , hence, .


Constructing continuous functions

Suppose is continuous.
  • from a subspace to is continuous.
  • is continuous if is a subspace of containing or is a subspace of .
  • If is also continuous, is continuous.
  • If is also continuous, and is ordered, then is continuous.

Extending the domain

  • Local definition of continuity: is continuous iff is continuous for each where is an arbitrary collection of open subsets of such that .
  • The pasting lemma: is continuous iff is continuous for each where is a finite collection of closed subsets of such that .
    • If the collection is arbitrary but locally-finite then the result still holds.
  • Extending the domain to its closure: if , is continuous and is Hausdorff then there is no more than one way to extend continuously on .

Continuity and product spaces

  1. is continuous iff is continuous for ( are called coordinate functions of ).
  2. Let and be continuous, then is a continuous function from to .
  3. If is continuous then it is continuous in each variable separately, but not vice versa.
  • is said to be continuous in variable if for every , is continuous.


A homeomorphism of with (both are topological spaces) is a bijective function such that is open in iff is open in iff both and are continuous.
An imbedding of in is a homeomorphism of with a subspace of .