Section 54: Problem 1 Solution »

Section 54: The Fundamental Group of the Circle

If is a map, and , then is a lifting of if .
  • If is a covering map, and , then any path in starting at has a unique lifting in starting at .
  • If is a covering map, and , then for any continuous such that there is a unique lifting of in such that . Moreover, if is a path homotopy, so is .
    • It follows, that if is a covering map and is path homotopic to in , then their liftings starting at the same point in must end at the same point and be path homotopic.
If is a covering map, , and , then the lifting correspondence is defined as follows: where is the lifting of starting at .
  • If is path connected, then is surjective.
  • If is simply connected, then is bijective.
  • If is path connected and is simply connected, then is a homeomorphism.
  • A stronger version:
    • is a monomorphism;
    • if , then induced by is injective, and bijective if is simply connected;
    • if , then iff .
The fundamental group of is isomorphic to .
  • The fundamental group of the torus is isomorphic to .