Section 32: Problem 1 Solution »

Section 32: Normal Spaces

  1. Hausdorff + Compact  Normal
  2. Hausdorff + Locally Compact Regular (Completely Regular: exercise 7 of §33).
  3. Compact implies a closed subset is compact; in a Hausdorff space two compacts can be separated.
  4. Regular + Lindelöf Normal
  5. Cover each of two closed sets with a countable collection of open sets (Lindelöf) such that their closures do not intersect the other set (regular); subtract from nth open set the union of closures of all open sets from 1 to n covering the other set.
  6. Metric  Normal
  7. Cover each point in two disjoint closed sets with a ball such that if your double its radius it still does not intersect the other set. That’s the beauty of a metric!
  8. Ordered Normal (in the order topology)
  9. The product of two ordered (even well-ordered) spaces need NOT be normal: is not normal.
  10. Well-ordered: (a,b]=(a,b+1) are open and form a basis, cover each closed set with such intervals that do not intersect the other set.
  11. General case (ordered): covered, for example, in Steen, Seebach, Counterexample 39, 1-6.
  12. A completely normal space is a space such that every its subspace is normal.
  13. A pair of subsets is separated (wtf? what is not called separated or separation?) if they are disjoint and neither one contains a limit point of the other.
  14. A space is completely normal iff every pair of separated subsets can be separated by neighborhoods.
  15. Subspaces and complete normality:
  16. A subspace of a completely normal space is completely normal.
  17. Products and complete normality:
  18. The product of even two completely normal spaces needs NOT to be normal.
  19. Completely normal spaces:
  20. a regular second-countable space
  21. a metric space
  22. an ordered space