« Section 26: Problem 7 Solution

Section 26: Problem 9 Solution »

Section 26: Problem 8 Solution

Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
Theorem. Let ; let be compact Hausdorff. Then is continuous if and only if the graph of , is closed in . [Hint: If is closed and is a neighborhood of , then the intersection of and is closed. Apply Exercise 7.]
Suppose the graph is closed and is open in . If then is empty and open. Now suppose that is a neighborhood of for some . Then is open in the product and is closed and so is its intersection with the graph. Using Exercise 7, its image under the projection on is closed as well, but the complement of the image is the preimage , and it is open. Therefore, is continuous. Note that we use compactness here, as Exercise 7 requires it.
Now, suppose that is continuous. We take a point outside of the graph and show that there is its open neighborhood that does not intersect the graph. This will show that the complement of the graph is open, and, hence, the graph is closed. For points and take two disjoint open neighborhoods and , respectively, using Hausdorff property of . Then, since is continuous, is open, , and is an open neighborhood of such that it does not intersect the graph (as implies ). Note that this direction does not use compactness of .