Section 26: Problem 12 Solution
Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
In this exercise we are asked to prove that
is compact given that
is continuous, surjective and closed,
is compact, and the preimages of all singletons are compact. We prove a little more: if
is closed, and the preimage of each point is compact, then the preimage of any compact subset is compact.
When we can guarantee that the preimage of any compact set is compact? Let us try to collect minimum requirements. A constant function is an example that shows that we may need to require that the preimage of any point is compact. So, suppose it is. Let
be a compact subset of
, and
. We know nothing about
: it need not even be closed (neither
is assumed to be Hausdorff, nor
is assumed to be continuous, so far). Let
be an open covering of
. We know that for each
there is a finite subcovering
. If we only could group all
’s in a finite number of groups
and is such that
covers not only
as well, then we are done. Take any collection of neighborhoods over all
. Since
is compact, there is a finite subcollection that covers
. Therefore, we just need to find a neighborhood
for each
such that
as well. In other words, what we need for
is the property that if an open set
, then there is an open neighborhood
such that
. Now, this property is equivalent to the requirement that any
is an interior point of
is open and contains
. The requirement that
is closed is obviously sufficient for this. (How did we use the continuity of
? I think we did not.)
is closed,
, and
is an open subset of
such that
, then there is an open neighborhood
such that
. In other words, if
is closed, then every open set containing the preimage of a point, contains the preimage of some neighborhood of the point.
is clearly open. Further, since
contains all points mapped to
, and
. Moreover, for every
is not the image of any point in
, hence,
From the lemma, as discussed above, we conclude the following.
is closed, and for every
is compact, then the preimage of every compact set is compact. If further
itself is compact, then
is compact.
be compact. Suppose
is an open cover of
. For every
is compact, hence, there is a finite subcover
. Then,
is an open set containing
, and, by lemma, there is an open neighborhood
such that
, and there is a finite subcover
. Therefore,
, a finite subcover of
is continuous and closed,
is compact, and
is a
-space, then the preimage of every compact set is compact.
For every
is closed, and
is closed, hence, compact. The result follows from the theorem above.
This corollary generalizes the following well-known fact: if
is a continuous function from a compact space to a Hausdorff space, then it is closed, and the preimage of every compact set is compact. If we assume that
is just a
-space (without additional assumption that
is closed), then we cannot say that every compact subset of
is closed, and, hence, its preimage is closed and compact in
. So, we need this additional assumption explicitly. Consider, for example,
where the range is in the finite complement topology.