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Section 20: Problem 4 Solution

Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
Consider the product, uniform, and box topologies on .
(a) In which topologies are the following functions from to continuous?
(b) In which topologies do the following sequences converge?
(a) If a function is continuous, and we change the topology of the range to a coarser one, then the function remains continuous. And if a function is not continuous, and we make the topology of the range finer, the function remains noncontinuous. So, for each function we may specify the finest topology out of the three given topologies such that the function is continuous relative to it. For it is the product topology, so that is continuous relative to the product topology only, and for and it is the uniform topology, so that they are not continuous in the box topology only.
The box topology. is open in the box topology, but all three functions have its inverse image equal to . So, neither function is continuous relative to the box topology.
The uniform topology. . At the same time, if the function equals ( ) or ( ), and , then for every , , and for , . Hence, , and is open. So, is the only function that is not continuous relative to the uniform topology.
The product topology. It is easy to see that all three functions are continuous relative to the product topology. For it follows from the fact that if open in the product topology, then where for finitely many , i.e. for , , and for every other , . Therefore, if , , and is open. Therefore, is continuous relative to the product topology. For and we can either use a similar argument, or use the fact that they are already continuous relative to the finer uniform topology.
(b) If a sequence converges to a point, and we change the topology to a coarser one, then the sequence still converges to the point (it may converge to new points as well but not in a Hausdorff space). And if a sequence does not converge to a point (or at all), and we change the topology to a finer one, then the sequence still does not converge to the point (or at all). Therefore, for each sequence we may specify the finest topology out of the three given topologies in which it converges to some point (which is unique because all three topologies are Hausdorff). For it is the product topology, for and it is the uniform topology, and for it is the box topology (i.e. it converges in all three topologies).
In the product topology (metricized) converges to as , and, therefore, any ball centered at has all elements of the sequence starting from some index. Therefore, if it did converge in the uniform topology, it would converge to , but in the uniform topology the distance between any and is always ( does not contain any members of the sequence). So, converges in the product topology only.
converges to in the uniform topology (and, hence, in the product topology), as for , , but it does not converge in the box topology, as there are no elements of the sequence contained in the open neighborhood of (and is the only point it may converge to in the box topology).
converges to in the uniform topology (and, hence, in the product topology), as for , , but not in the box topology (the same set shows this).
converges to in all three topologies, as it clearly converges to in the finest one — the box topology (for , ).
Another way to see that each sequence converges to in the product topology, and, hence, may converge to only in any finer topology, is to use Exercise 6 of §19, according to which a sequence in the product space converges to a point iff all coordinate projections converge to the corresponding projections of the point. And in our case all coordinate projections for each sequence converge to .