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Section 20: Problem 3 Solution

Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
Let be a metric space with metric .
(a) Show that is continuous.
(b) Let denote a space having the same underlying set as . Show that if is continuous, then the topology of is finer than the topology of .
One can summarize the result of this exercise as follows: If has a metric , then the topology induced by is the coarsest topology relative to which the function is continuous.
(a) Let be an open subset of , and . Then, , and there is an open interval . Take any point . Then, , , and is contained in . Therefore, the set open in is such that , and is open.
(b) If is continuous, then for every fixed , , , is continuous (Exercise 11 of §18). Therefore, every -ball must be open in .
We could have solved both (a) and (b) at once. Let be the family of all topologies on such that is continuous. Then, is nonempty, as, for example, the discrete topology on is in . Further, for every subfamily of topologies , is a topology on (Exercise 4(a) of §13) such that is continuous (the preimage of every open set is open relative to every topology in , and, hence, relative to their intersection). Therefore, is the coarsest topology relative to which is continuous. It remains to note, that is continuous relative to iff contains every ball . Indeed, if is continuous, then it must be continuous in each variable, and, in particular, must be open for every . And if every ball is open, then implies where , hence, is open, and is continuous. Therefore, is the coarsest topology containing all balls , which is the one generated by the balls as its basis (Exercise 5 of §13).