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Section 4: Problem 5 Solution

Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
Prove the following properties of and :
(a) . [Hint: Show that given , the set is inductive.]
(b) .
(c) Show that . [Hint: Let ; show that is inductive.]
(d) and . [Hint: Prove it first for .]
(e) .
(a) Using hint: given , it easy to see that , as , and is inductive, as if , then . Hence, . (Note, that, in general, but showing that is enough for our purposes.)
(b) Similarly here, but using (a): define similarly to (a) but for multiplication, argue that , which is kind of obvious, and then argue, using (a), that if , i.e. if , then , i.e. .
(c) Using hint: as , and if , then , and , implying . Therefore, is inductive, and .
For (d) and (e) we first prove the following statement.
If is such that , and implies , then .
Indeed, is inductive, so that , , and , implies that is inductive as well, i.e. , and for all , . Overall, , i.e. .
We can now prove (d) and (e) similar to (a) and (b). But first, using the hint, we prove (d) for . Let . Then, as , , and if , then , and . Further, if then (using (c)), if then , and if then for some , so that . Similar, if then , if then , and if then for some , so that where, by (c), either or , but in either case . Overall, , so that , and, by the theorem, .
Now, having (d) for the case , we prove that if , then for every , . We define , argue that as , and if , then as (note that, in (d), we use the proved case , and for multiplication in (e), we use (d)). Hence, we show that satisfies the conditions of the theorem above, and .