« Section 4: Problem 10 Solution

Section 4: Problem 11 Solution

Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
Given , we say that is even if , and is odd otherwise.
(a) Show that if is odd, for some . [Hint: Choose so that .]
(b) Show that if and are odd, so are and , for any .
(c) Show that if is rational, then for some where not both and are even. [Hint: Let be the smallest element of the set .]
(d) Theorem. is irrational.
(a) According to Exercise 9(b), implies there is such that . Then, , so that (this last point requires some clarification, namely, , and there is no such that or , see page 32, so the only possibility for is ).
(b) In addition to (a), we need its converse, that is if for some , then is odd. Indeed, in this case, , and, according to page 32, there are no integer number between and . Now, if and are odd, then for some , and , hence, is odd. From this, by induction, if and is odd, then is odd.
(c) Using the hint, is the smallest positive integer such that . Let , then . If both and are even, then , and , contradiction.
(d) By definition, , and as . Assuming is rational, by using (c), , where at least one of and is odd. Then , , and is even, as . Now, from (b) it follows that is even, as otherwise would be odd, hence, for some . Therefore, , and . Using the same argument, is even, and, hence, must be even as well. Contradiction.