Section 11*: Problem 1 Solution »

Section 11*: The Maximum Principle

We have already indicated that the axiom of choice leads to the deep theorem that every set can be well-ordered. The axiom of choice has other consequences that are even more important in mathematics. Collectively referred to as "maximum principles," they come in many versions. Formulated independently by a number of mathematicians, including F. Hausdorff, K. Kuratowski, S. Bochner, and M. Zorn, during the years 1914-1935, they were typically proved as consequences of the well-ordering theorem. Later, it was realized that they were in fact equivalent to the well-ordering theorem.
A strict partial order satisfies nRT, i.e. it is an "incomplete order".
(The Maximum Principle; Hausdorff, 1914) If is strictly partially ordered, then there exists a maximal ordered subset of , i.e. an ordered subset such that no other ordered subset contains it.
A strictly ordered subset of has an upper bound  if or for every .
(Zorn’s Lemma; Kuratowski, 1922; Bochner, 1922; Zorn, 1935) If is strictly partially ordered, and every ordered subset of has an upper bound in , then has a maximal element , i.e. an element such that for no element does hold.
(Kuratowski’s Lemma) If for every ordered by proper inclusion subcollection of a collection of sets its union is in the collection, then there is a set in the collection that is not a proper subset of any set in the collection.
Let be a set and be a collection of some of its subsets. Then is said to be of finite type if for every , iff every finite subset of is in .
(Tukey’s Lemma; Tukey, 1940) If a collection of subsets is of finite type, then it has a set that is not a proper subset of any set in the collection.
  • MP implies ZL: a maximal ordered subset has an upper bound which is a maximal element.
  • ZL implies KL: the union of an ordered subcollection is an upper bound that is in the collection, so there is a maximal element in the collection.
  • KL implies TL: for every finite subset of the union of an ordered subcollection, there is a single set in the subcollection containing the finite subset, therefore, every finite subset of the union is in the collection, and so is the union.
  • TL implies MP: a subset of is ordered iff any its finite subset is ordered, therefore, the collection of ordered subsets is of finite type, and there is a maximal ordered subset.
  • The axiom of choice is equivalent to each of the four theorems, see Supplementary Exercises.
Figure 1 The Axiom of Choice and equivalents.
figure AC-and-equivalents.png