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Section 31: Problem 8 Solution

Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
Let be a space; let be a topological group. An action of on is a continuous map such that, denoting by , one has:
(i) for all .
(ii) for all and .
Define for all and ; the resulting quotient space is denoted and called the orbit space of the action .
Theorem. Let be a compact topological group; let be a topological space; let be an action of on . If is Hausdorff, or regular, or normal, or locally compact, or second-countable, so is .
[Hint: See Exercise 13 of §26.]
Let be the quotient map. Then , compact as the continuous image of the compact space . Suppose now, that is closed. We show that is closed. This would imply that is closed, therefore, is a closed quotient map, and we can use the previous two exercises to prove what we are asked to (instead, as suggested in the hint, one could try to use Exercise 13(b) of §26). Let . For every , . Since is continuous and is open, is open, and there is some basis neighborhood of such that does not intersect . The union of all covers . Since is compact, take a finite subcovering, the corresponding finite intersection of is a neighborhood of such that does not intersect . Therefore, does not intersect .