Section 29: Problem 1 Solution »

Section 29: Local Compactness

  1. A locally compact at a point space is a space that contains a compact subspace containing a neighborhood of the point.
  2. A locally compact space is a space that is locally compact at each of its points.
  3. A Hausdorff space is locally compact iff any neighborhood of any point contains a compact closure of a neighborhood of the point.
Two of the most well-behaved classes of spaces to deal with in mathematics are the metrizable spaces and the compact Hausdorff spaces... If a given space is not of one of these types, the next best thing one can hope for is that it is a subspace of one of these spaces... Thus arises the question: Under what conditions is a space homeomorphic with a subspace of a compact Hausdorff space?
  1. One-point compactification of a locally compact Hausdorff space:
  2. is locally compact Hausdorff iff is a subspace of a compact Hausdorff space .
  3. If is locally compact Hausdorff then the one-point compactification is unique up to a homeomorphism that preserves points of .
  4. One-point compactification seems to work for any Hausdorff space but is Hausdorff for locally compact spaces only.
  5. Subspaces and local compactness:
  6. A closed subspace of a locally compact space is locally compact.
  7. An open subspace of a locally compact Hausdorff space is locally compact (and Hausdorff).
  8. is locally compact Hausdorff iff it is homeomorphic to an open subspace of a compact Hausdorff space.
  9. Continuous functions and local compactness:
  10. The open continuous image of a locally compact space is locally compact.
  11. In general, the continuous image of a locally compact space does NOT have to be locally compact.
  12. A homeomorphism of two locally compact Hausdorff spaces can be extended to a homeomorphism of their one-point compactifications.
  13. Quotient maps and local compactness:
  14. If is a quotient map and is locally compact and Hausdorff then is a quotient map.
  15. If are quotient maps and (or ) are locally compact and Hausdorff then is a quotient map.
  16. Products and local compactness:
  17. The finite product of locally compact spaces is locally compact.
  18. The product of any family of spaces is locally compact all but finitely many of them are compact and those which are not compact are locally compact.
  19. Topological groups and local compactness:
  20. If a topological group is locally compact then any its quotient group is locally compact as well.
countably compact not countably compact
limit point compact not limit point compact limit point compact not limit point compact
sequentially compact compact x x x
not compact locally compact x x x
not locally compact x x x
not sequentially compact compact x x x
not compact locally compact x
not locally compact x
* metrizable