« Section 27: Problem 5 Solution

Section 27: Problem 6 Solution

Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
The set consists of closed intervals of length and the distance between them at least . Indeed, this is true for . At every step a closed interval of is divided into three parts with two parts in such that the distance between them is .(a) For any two points there is such that they cannot lie in the same closed interval of , and, therefore, there is a point between them not in the Cantor set, and the set can be separated by and .(b) It’s a closed subspace of a compact space.(c) We have already shown by induction that it is the union of closed intervals each of length . By the same argument endpoints of the intervals are never excluded (only interior points are excluded).(d) Consider a sequence of closed intervals containing a given point of , for each one choose an endpoint which does not equal the point, and all the endpoints are in , by (c), and the sequence converges to the point. Therefore, it is a limit point of the set of all other points in .(e) It is nonempty (by (c), for example, or by the fact that it is the intersection of a nested sequence of closed intervals), compact and Hausdorff with no isolated points. By Theorem 27.7, it is uncountable.