Supplementary Exercises*: Topological Groups: Problem 1 Solution »

Supplementary Exercises*: Topological Groups

A topological group is a group that is also a -space such that and are continuous.
  • Alternatively, it is enough to require that is continuous.
  • A subgroup of the topological group is a topological group.
    • Moreover, the closure is also a subgroup, and, hence, a topological group.
  • A topological group satisfies the regularity axiom: a closed subset and a point can be separated by two disjoint open neighborhoods.
    • Hence, is also a Hausdorff space.
    • Note that we require to be closed in which is essential here, otherwise we would need to consider , see the definition below.
  • and are homeomorphisms. Hence, is a homogeneous space, i.e. for every there is an automorphism of such that .
The quotient topological group , where is a subgroup of the topological group , is defined as the factor group (the quotient group) consisting of the collection of left cosets with the quotient topology.
  • Note that we need additional requirements on for to be a topological group, namely, must be a normal subgroup and a closed subset of .
    • If is a normal subgroup, then is well-defined, and is continuous.
    • If is closed, then is a -space, moreover, satisfies the regularity axiom, hence, is also a Hausdorff space.
  • But regardless of what is, the following is true for as the quotient topological space:
    • The quotient map is open.
    • induces an automorphism of carrying to . Hence, is a homogeneous space.