Section 22*: Problem 1 Solution »

Section 22*: The Quotient Topology

A quotient map is a map such that it is surjective, and is open in iff is open in .
  • A surjective is a quotient map iff ( is closed in iff is closed in ).
  • is a quotient map iff it is surjective, continuous and maps open saturated sets to open sets, where in is called saturated if it is the preimage of some set in .
  • A quotient map does not have to be open or closed, a quotient map that is open does not have to be closed and vice versa.

Properties of quotient maps

  • A restriction of a quotient map to a subdomain may not be a quotient map even if it is still surjective (and continuous).
    • If is a quotient map and  is saturated with respect to , then if is open or closed, or is open or closed, then is a quotient map.
    • If is an open quotient map and is open, then is an open quotient map.
  • The composite of two quotient maps is a quotient map.
  • The product of two quotient maps may not be a quotient map.
    • If both quotient maps are open then the product is an open quotient map.
    • Another condition guaranteeing that the product is a quotient map is the local compactness (see Section 29).

Showing that a function is a quotient map

  • If a continuous function has a continuous right inverse then it is a quotient map.
  • A retraction is a quotient map. A retraction of onto is a continuous map such that for : .

Quotient topology and quotient space

If is a space and is surjective then there is exactly one topology on such that is a quotient map. It is the quotient topology on induced by .
  • Let be a partition of the space with the quotient topology induced by where such that , then is called a quotient space of .
    • One can think of the quotient space as a formal way of "gluing" different sets of points of the space.
  • For to satisfy the -axiom we need all sets in to be closed.
    • For to be a Hausdorff space there are more complicated conditions.

Quotient spaces and continuous functions

Let be a quotient map and be a map constant on . Then induces a map such that . Then, is continuous (a quotient map) iff is continuous (a quotient map).
Using this result, if there is a surjective continuous map then there is a bijective continuous map between the quotient space and , which is a homeomorphism iff is a quotient map.