Section 21: Problem 1 Solution »

Section 21: The Metric Topology (continued)

General properties (continued)

  • Metric spaces are Hausdorff.
  • A subspace of a metric space has the topology induced by the restriction of the space metric to the subspace.
  • An isometric imbedding of a metric space into a metric space is a function such that .
  • The countable product of metrizable spaces is metrizable in the product topology.
    • and are metrics for the product topology on and , respectively.

Convergence in metric spaces

(The sequence lemma) Let be a topological space, then
  • in any topological space: if there is a sequence of points of converging to then .
  • in a metric space: if then there is a sequence of points of converging to .

Continuity in metric spaces

-definition of continuity: is continuous at iff for every there is such that implies .
Let , then
  • in any topological space: if is continuous at then for every , .
  • in a metric space (and is an arbitrary space): if for every , , then  is continuous at .

Uniform convergence

A sequence of functions converges uniformly to if for every there is such that for all and .
Uniformity of convergence depends not only on the topology of but also on its metric.
(Uniform limit theorem) If are continuous and the sequence converges uniformly to then is continuous.
  • Moreover, in this case, for any , .