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Section 13: Basis for a Topology

A basis for a topology on is a collection of subsets of (called basis elements) such that and the intersection of any two basis elements can be represented as the union of some basis elements.
The topology generated by a basis is the collection of subsets such that if then for some .
  • Alternatively, it is the collection of all unions of basis elements (together with the empty set).
  • It is also the smallest topology containing the basis.
Given a topology on , a collection of subsets of is a basis for iff and for every and , for some .
  • Alternatively, is a basis for iff and every open set is the union of some elements of .
The topology generated by is finer than the topology generated by iff for every and , for some .
  • The topology generated by  is finer than (or, respectively, the one generated by ) iff every open set of (or, respectively, basis element of ) can be represented as the union of some elements of .
  1. A subbasis for a topology on is a collection of subsets of such that equals their union. The topology generated by the subbasis is generated by the collection of finite intersections of sets in as a basis (it is also the smallest topology containing the subbasis).
  2. The intersection of any collection of topologies is a topology (the largest topology contained in all the topologies in the collection), while the union even of two topologies may be just a subbasis for a topology (the smallest topology containing all the topologies in the collection).

Real line topologies

  1. is the real line given the standard topology generated by intervals .
  2. is the real line given the lower limit topology generated by intervals .
  3. is the real line given the upper limit topology generated by intervals .
  4. is the real line given the discrete topology generated by intervals or, alternatively, by singletons.
  5. is the real line given the finite compliment topology.
  6. is the real line given the countable compliment topology.
  7. is the real line given the K-topology generated by intervals  and sets of the form where .
  8. is the real line given the topology generated by intervals .
  9. is the real line given the topology generated by intervals .
Figure 1 Finer/coarser relations among topologies on .
figure real_topology_relations.png