« Section 8*: Problem 6 Solution

Section 8*: Problem 8 Solution »

Section 8*: Problem 7 Solution

Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
Prove Theorem 8.4.
First, similar to Lemma 8.1, by induction, we prove that for there exists a function satisfying the equations of Theorem 8.4 for all in its domain. Namely, this is true for , , and, given this is true for , i.e. there is , we define for , and . Note, that , and , hence, the equations hold for .
Then, similar to Lemma 8.2, we prove that for every , and and satisfying on their domains, respectively, . Again, we argue that , and for every , implies as both satisfy .
Finally, as in Theorem 8.3, we construct for all positive integers by taking the union of the rules of all ’s. The argument is, in fact, almost identical to the proof of Theorem 8.3, as the latter mostly operates in general terms without even using the particular definition of it is proved for.