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Section 5: Problem 3 Solution

Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
Let and .
(a) Show that if , for all , then . (Strictly speaking, if we are given a function mapping the index set into the union of the sets , we must change its range before it can be considered as a function mapping into the union of the sets . We shall ignore this technicality when dealing with cartesian products).
(b) Show the converse of (a) holds if is nonempty.
(c) Show that if is nonempty, each is nonempty. Does the converse hold? (We will return to this question in the exercises of §19.)
(d) What is the relation between the set and the cartesian product of the sets ? What is the relation between the set and the cartesian product of the sets ?
(a) If mapping into is such that : , then it maps into , and : .
(b) If is non-empty then all are non-empty. If there is such that does not hold, then there is some in , and there is an element in such that . Hence, . Contradiction.
Compare (a) and (b) to Exercise 2 (j)-(l) of §1.
(c) If is non-empty, then there is such that , , i.e. for , is non-empty. The converse. The comment in parentheses means that one needs to be careful in making an argument for the converse statement. In this case we will need to implicitly rely on the axiom of choice to argue that we can select one element from each set so that . If we had an uncountable number of sets, the use of the axiom of choice would be crucial. In fact, the axiom of choice is equivalent to a more general version of the converse statement.
(d) Both imply the same set of functions such that , but also requires that either for all , , or for all , . So . But for the intersection we have the same set of functions such that each must be in .
Consider the following example. Let all be the set of even numbers, and all be the set of number divisible by . Then is the set of all sequences of even numbers, and is the set of all sequences of numbers divisible by . is the set of all numbers that are either even or divisible by , so contains all sequences of numbers that are either even or divisible by , while is the set of all sequences such that either all numbers in the sequence are even, or all numbers in the sequence are divisible by . Clearly, the latter is a subset of the former, and, for example, . On the other hand, consists of the numbers divisible by , and both and contain the sequences of such numbers only.