Section 2.1: Problem 1 Solution »

Section 2.1: First-Order Languages

We are given the following infinite set of symbols:
logical symbols sentential connective symbols (negation symbol)
(conditional symbol)
punctuation symbols (left parenthesis)
(right parenthesis)
variables (for each )
equality symbol (optional)
parameters quantifier symbols (universal quantifier symbol)
predicate symbols For each , some set of symbols, called -place predicate symbols.
constant symbols Some set of symbols (a.k.a. -place function symbols).
function symbols For each , some set of symbols, called -place function symbols.
The first-order languages differ in (a) the presence of the equality symbol (which is a logical symbol rather than a parameter), and (b) parameters.
An expression is a finite sequence of symbols. There are special types of expressions:
  • Terms. For each -place function symbol we define an -place term-building operation . We define a term to be built up from the constant symbols and variables by applying zero or more times -place term-building operations.
    • Terms form objects from constants and variables inductively, by taking functions of already constructed objects.
  • Atomic formulas. An atomic formula is an expressions of the form where is an -place predicate symbol (or ) and each is a term.
    • Atomic formulas are the smallest parts of formulas that are assigned truth values, they are formed as predicates of terms. They play a role similar to that of sentence symbols in sentential logic.
  • Well-formed formulas. A well-formed formula (wff) is an expression that can be built up from the atomic formulas by applying zero or more times the following formula-building operations:
A variable is said to occur free in a wff ( is a free variable of ) iff one of the following holds: (a) is atomic and occurs in , (b) and occurs free in , (c) and occurs free in and/or , and (d) and occurs free in .
  • Alternatively, we define where is atomic to be the set of all its variables, and extend it to defined on the set of all wffs as follows: , , and .
  • is a sentence iff .


  • abbreviates .
  • abbreviates .
  • abbreviates .
  • abbreviates .
  • abbreviates (similarly, for some other -place predicate and function symbols).
  • abbreviates (similarly, for some other -place predicate and function symbols).
  • The outermost parentheses can be dropped.
  • , and apply to as little as possible.
  • and apply to as little as possible subject to the previous point.
  • Parentheses can be added or changed to etc. for readability.
  • Right precedence: is understood as .

Alphabets used

  • Variables: lowercase italic letters , , , , , .
  • Predicate symbols: uppercase italic letters, and specific symbols such as , etc.
  • Constant symbols: lowercase italic letters , , , , and specific symbols such as etc.
  • Function symbols: lowercase italic letters , , , and specific symbols such as , etc.
  • Terms: lowercase italic letters , .
  • Formulas: lowercase Greek letters , , , .
  • Sentences: lowercase Greek letters , .
  • Sets of formulas: uppercase Greek letters.
  • Structures (not yet introduced): uppercase German (Fraktur) letters.