Section 35*: Problem 3 Solution
Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
For a metric space (iii) is equivalent to being compact and implies (i) (a compact metric space is bounded) and (ii) (the continuous image of a compact set is compact). (ii) obviously implies (i) (fix a point, the distance from the point is continuous). Now, (ii) also implies (iii): if an infinite subspace has no limit points then it is closed and discrete; a surjective function from it on the set of positive integers is continuous and can be extended to a continuous unbounded function (the space is metrizable, therefore, normal). We need only to show that (i) implies (ii) or (iii). We show (i) implies (ii). The hint was ambiguous for me so I figured out an alternative proof.Remember from Section 20 that the topology generated by a metric is the coarsest topology such that the metric as a function is continuous. This implies also that if a metric
is continuous relative to
is coarser than
. We prove the following lemma.Lemma. Suppose that
is metrizable and every metric that generates the topology is bounded. Then every metric
continuous relative to
is bounded as well.Proof. Suppose
is bounded. Let
is a metric (easily verifiable) and continuous relative to
, therefore,
is coarser than
. We show that, in fact,
. For every
, suppose
, then
, therefore, for every point in
there is a neighborhood in
contained in the ball, and
is finer than
. This implies that
is bounded, and so is
.Now, take any continuous
. And suppose
is a metric on
. Then
is a metric that is continuous relative to the topology on
. Therefore, it is bounded, and so is