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Supplementary Exercises*: Nets: Problem 9 Solution

Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
If there is a subnet converging to then for any neighborhood of there is such that implies . Let . is cofinal in . Indeed, for any there is such that and such that is greater than both and . Then and . Now, the set of all points from such that contains , therefore, it is cofinal in .The other direction. For any neighborhood of let be the cofinal subset of those such that . We need to define a directed set and such that implies , is cofinal in and for any neighborhood of there is such that implies . Consider two different neighborhoods and of and their intersection . Note that . However, we want to distinguish all indexes in from the same indexes in and . This suggests to take as the union of all pairs where and define . Moreover, for a given we want both: and . Therefore, we define the partial order on as follows: iff and . This is a partial order on (this can be easily checked even in general for the partial order defined this way on the product of two partially ordered sets). Now, for any pair of elements of , and : find , then such that (here we use the fact that all are cofinal), then we have . Therefore, is a directed set. Moreover, implies and is cofinal in . For any neighborhood of the set is not empty, and implies .