Section 16: Problem 1 Solution »

Section 16: The Subspace Topology

Let be a topological space and . Similarly, is a subset of a topological space  .
The subspace topology on is . is called a subspace of .
  • Equivalently, the subspace topology is generated by .
A set is said to be open in if it belongs to the subspace topology on .


  • If is a subspace of , and is a subset of , then the subspace topologies and agree.
  • If is open in , and is open in , then is open in .
  • The product topology on is the same as the subspace topology on .
  • If is ordered, the order topology on is, in general, not the same as the subspace topology on (but it is always coarser).
    • As an example, consider with the product topology, with the dictionary order topology (the ordered square, ), and with the subspace topology inherited from in the dictionary order topology (the latter is the same as the product topology ). Then is strictly finer than and , where the latter two topologies are not comparable.
A subset of an ordered set is called convex in if for any two points in the interval (in ) between these two points is a subset of .
  • If is ordered and is convex, then the order topology on agrees with the subspace topology on .
By agreement, whenever is a subset of an ordered set , the topology on is assumed to be the subspace topology, unless it is stated otherwise.