Chapter 4: E4.10 Solution
Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
Star Trek, 2
See E10.11, which you can do now.
. Star Trek, 2. ’Captain’s Log...
Mr Spock and Chief Engineer Scott have modified the control system so that the Enterprise is confined to move for ever in a fixed plane passing through the Sun. However, the next ’hop-length’ is now automatically set to be the current distance to the Sun (’next’ and ’current’ being updated in the obvious way). Spock is muttering something about logarithms and random walks, but I wonder whether it is (almost) certain that we will get into the Solar System sometime...’
Hint. Let
. Prove that
is an lID sequence of variables each of mean
and finite variance
(say), where
. let
Prove that if
is a fixed positive number, then
(Use the Central Limit Theorem.) Prove that the event
is in the tail
-algebra of the
If the Sun is at the origin, and the spaceship is at
, then the new position of the spaceship is at
, and the square of the new distance is
, so that
Hence, we get a series of IID random variables of
expectation and finite variance.
Now, if there is a sequence
such that for
Further, for a fixed
, the event
, hence, this event is in the tail
-algebra of the sequence
, implying that the spaceship will a.s. come to the Solar system.