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Section 1: Problem 3 Solution

Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
Prove the statement in (1.3), that an affine transformation can be used to put any conic of into one of the standard forms (a-l). (Hint: use a linear transformation to take the leading term into one of or or ; then complete the square in and to get rid of as much of the linear part as possible.)
According to the hint, we first take care of . If , then if , we can take new coordinates and , if , we take and , if and , we take and . Then, we have in new coordinates, and by scaling transform it to . If , we use scaling before right away. Also, if in the end we have as the very first term, then we can multiply the equation by in what follows.
After this, we have where and .
If , we take and to take care of , and similarly if , we take and to take care of . Therefore, we can further assume that and .
If and , we can take and as new coordinates, and multiply by if necessary, to ensure that if then .
If and , then we take new coordinates and to ensure in this case.
If and , then we take new coordinates and to transform the equation to .
If , we can take and to ensure that in this case and . Similarly, if .
If , , and , then we take and to have .
If and , then we first ensure that as above, and then take and to have . Similarly, if and , then we first ensure that as above, and then take and to have .
In summary, we have the cases as in the table below.