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Section 1: Problem 3 Solution »

Section 1: Problem 2 Solution

Working problems is a crucial part of learning mathematics. No one can learn topology merely by poring over the definitions, theorems, and examples that are worked out in the text. One must work part of it out for oneself. To provide that opportunity is the purpose of the exercises.
James R. Munkres
Let be a prime; by experimenting with various , guess a necessary and sufficient condition for to have rational solutions; prove your guess (a hint is given after Ex. 1.9 below - bet you can’t do it for yourself!).
By multiplying by a common denominator, we can rewrite the equation in integer numbers Further, by considering triples such that , we can assume that the numbers are pairwise relatively prime, because if two numbers are divisible by a prime number , then the third number is divisible by as well (even if the two numbers are and , and ).
In particular, there is no more than one even number among , and . If and are odd, then we get implying . If one of and is even, then we get implying
Therefore, a necessary condition for existence of solutions is that In fact, this is also a sufficient condition. Indeed, if , then is a solution. Now, suppose is an odd prime such that . Then, since is cyclic, let be a generator, so that and for , we have Then, consider all possible pairs . Among them, there are two pairs and such that Hence, for and , where . We conclude that and, given that ,
For example, take . For , we have

hence, is a generator, and We take all pairs , and calculate .

So, we can take and as follows.
Note, that we showed that has to be either or such that , but for all such we showed that, in fact, there is a solution of in integer numbers, which is much easier to find than if there were no integer solutions. To find all rational solutions, suppose that Then, as in Exercise , we consider all lines through that intersect the circle , and parametrize the circle accordingly. We have Therefore, all rational solutions are given by where , , and we can assume that one of them is positive, and they are relatively prime.